Basic Package Details
- 2,000 sq/ft maximum, $0.10 per square foot thereafter.
- 20 still photos from the Matterport tour.
- Embed code for your website
- HTML link for sharing
- Virtual Reality Tour creation
- 12 Months of hosting ($30 for an additional 12 months.)
For the Basic Package, we will scan the property, upload it to our hosting account where it will be processed which may take up to 24 hours to deliver a finished model onto the hosting server. The model will be inspected for accuracy. Ten (10) unlicensed still photos will be created and provided to you for your use wherever you see fit such as the Multiple Listing Service, email advertising and more. An Embed code will be provided to you for you to imbed the model into your own website. A HTML link will also be provided for sharing via email, text or as a virtual tour link. Three months of hosting will also be provided for the model on the server.
Please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section and our technology Limitations section to ensure you understand what we can and cannot do. While the technology we use with our skills and experience can produce some amazing results, we realize that there are limitations. Some of these limitations can be overcome and others that are insurmountable. We want to ensure you are happy with us, and want to help you understand of the limitations and capabilities of our technology and our service before you order our services.
Scheduling a capture. The property will need to be in the condition you want it captured to build the digital model. For businesses and real estate, this means the space should be staged and clean. There is no way to edit a scan after it is captured like a still photo so anything left out in the open will remain in the captured model. Towels, dirty dishes, and clutter needs be put away and furniture needs to be in its intended place prior to capturing the space. All persons and animals need to be out of view for each capture within the property, so it is preferred that all or as many of the occupants as possible leave during the capturing process. It takes approximately an hour to an hour and a half to capture each 1,000 sq/ft., but may take longer if higher capture density is needed or if there are complicating factors such as mirrors, etc.. We are currently limited to 200 captures per model which would allow us to capture a space a maximum of 10,000 sq/ft. Larger properties can be broken up into more than one model however. These requirements may make some spaces impractical to capture. Again it is recommended that you read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section and our technology Limitations.
On some occasions, the processing will fail. It may then be necessary to make changes to the capture and for it to be resubmitted for processing. On rare occasions the processing will fail because the captures are flawed, and it may be necessary to schedule additional captures at the property site.
Hosting. Additional hosting is available for $30.00 for three additional months and will be billed 30 days prior to expiration of your plans existing hosting. Should you not extend or need your model hosted you can cancel and ask for the model to be deleted at any time. We can also keep your hosted model private so that it is not visible. Additionally, your model will be made private within 7 days of expiration of hosting and it will be deleted from the server within 60 days of the of expiration of hosting. Please note that it will be impossible to reactivate a model after it has been deleted and you would need start over with hiring us to capture the property again. At this time there is no way to save a captured file to a disk for later reactivation.
*Accuracy is not guaranteed and should be verified should accurate measurements be needed.